+7 (8512) 50-23-58; 50-23-38
Engineering certification (conclusion) for write-off and utilization of equipment

Any activity of the expert department is conducted on a long-term basis. Elkom Group of companies provides customers with a package of documents consisting of:
- Service agreement; a copy of conclusion of technical condition of each piece of equipment (with calculation of economic efficiency of repair);
- Documents of payment confirmation (bill, certificate of completion of services, invoice);
- A copy of the certificate of conformity ROSTEST for services related to technical inspection of efficiency of electrical appliances, IT-equipment and electronic equipment;
- Legal documents (a certificate of registration in the tax authority, a certificate of state registration of a legal entity, a charter, an order of appointment to the post of a head);
- A report on mechanical condition detailing causes of failure.
Prices for services of our company will become a pleasant surprise for you, because they are among the lowest in the Astrakhan Region. The amount of contract price depends on various factors. First of all it is influenced by number, type and complexity of equipment, as well as condition of drawing up documentation for your accounting.
Execution of services in technical examination is 5 working days after signing an agreement.
Execution of services in technical examination is 5 working days after signing an agreement.
Drawing up a write- off act of fixed assets - form OS-4 (for example, computers) is based on an act, issued by our company without any problem. An act is required to specify the reason. Conclusion of an act shall contain information about whether a computer is utilized entirely or its spare parts will be put into input during dismantle.
In case of liquidation of enterprise units of equipment by company accounts division in which balance is the equipment based on the Act, issued by us easily (an Act on cancellation of fixed assets on the form of OS-4). Next utilization of computers and office equipment is necessary. As a result, machinery is no longer listed in a balance sheet, the property tax is not paid for it, depreciation is not made.